Sunday, March 2, 2014

Steaming Coprology

To: Ms. Belle M.
From: Feona Seize, Regional Director, the National Coprology Society.

We of the Coprology Society make it our life's work to lift the study of fecal matters out of the toilet as it were. We believe that bodily functions can be discussed by reasonable adults without becoming scatological. We are concerned that your columns are setting back our hard-pressed efforts because they are flush with juvenile crapological references and bowdlerized humor. Our society has strained and pressed for a better air around discussions of the bowel issue, but if you persist in depositing your brand of filth on the internet, you will make us look like crap. 

Please take the higher road and not the easier chute in the future. The next generation deserve not to be dumped on in this way.

Also, please log this complaint in your permenant suppository.
Yours emphatically,
Fe Seize, Regional Director,

the National Coprology Society.
Dear Fe Seize,
Pucker up. Or put a plug in it.
Do you really think, you one-holer,  fecal-minded, sheet lover, that you can tell me what to do? Someone treated you to two swirlies too many, and the Tidy Bowl penetrated your brain - such as it was. 
By the way, you're now on one of my lists; guess which one?

Auntie Belle


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