Monday, March 3, 2014

Star Gazer

Dear Auntie Belle,

There are fourteen stars in the eastern sky between mid-October and late November that are greater than 3.4 lumens in absolute brightness, and of those stars, three have orbiting planets that exist within the 'Goldilocks Zone' which is the right range of distances for the star to allow the possibility of water and temperatures hospitable for life. My girlfriend pointed at one of these and said, "That is my home." the night she disappeared. Does the United States or the European Union have any missions planned to planet M72-4 around star M72, and how do I become an astronaut? Thanks for your help.

Star Gazer
Dear Star Gazer,
Look, Space Cadet, I'm not an astrologist; I'm a pithy advice columnist, so I know jack about that subject. However, I do know you can enroll in the Astronaut program at Cape Canaveral, if you tell them you've actually dated a space alien. I have a feeling you'll be one of the lucky ones who get to test the rockets.  
Auntie Belle


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