Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Damned Confused

Dear Auntie Belle,

In my living room I have a sort of thick woven large braided wool rug. There was a thread loose on it. I try to pull it off but the whole thing started unraveling and soon I realized there was a door in the floor under the thick rug. I couldn't believe I hadn't felt that thing under there, it was practically a submarine hatch.

As I walked down steps into a chamber that looked nothing like my root cellar, I noticed a nearby torch, braced on the wall and actually lit! I removed it from the brace and carried it down the interminable stairs that seemed to wind down to the very bedrock of the Earth. I began to hear noises of whips and maybe coal fires or something. I don't really know what the sounds were but they were awful. Soon it began to get very hot as I suspected I was reaching the molten core of the Earth.

Soon the sound of slaves being beaten was thunderous and totally dominating my fears. But the thought of these slaves working in hot ash and molten rock, brutally shoveling in the heat and darkness was not to be my greatest fear. My dread was complete when I turned the torch in my hand (for it was getting sweaty) and noticed a plaque on the handle with my name on it.

Suddenly I woke up in my own bed, my sweat smelling like sulfur and my tears boiled to salt on my face. My mother says it was a bad dream, but that rug still has a loose thread and I am wondering if I should pull it.

Please tell me there is not a doorway to hell in my root cellar.
I truly am...
Damned Confused

Dear Confused, or Damned, (whichever you are),
Daddy played that Pull My Finger game with you, didn't he? Remember what that got you? 
First you laugh
Then you smell
Pull that thread
And go to Hell.
You have a choice here; make the right one.
Auntie Belle


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